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França evita um tiro no pé: Macron não estará no governo, mas o Partido Nacional Rali (RN) também ficou de 👄 fora

A França pode ter dificuldades sportingbet bingo saber quem governará o país nos próximos meses, já que não há uma maioria 👄 natural no parlamento após as eleições legislativas. No entanto, é um alívio saber quem não estará no governo, e isso 👄 é um grande alívio para milhões de eleitores.

Se a primeira rodada dessas eleições legislativas antecipadas fosse um referendo contra o 👄 presidente liberal centrista Emmanuel Macron, a segunda rodada foi um referendo contra o Partido Nacional Rali (RN) de Marine Le 👄 Pen, justo quando o poder parecia estar ao alcance do partido de extrema-direita.

Na França, assim como no Reino Unido, as 👄 pessoas votaram sportingbet bingo massa pela mudança e contra o status quo. Houveram votos de protesto sobre o custo de vida 👄 e o aumento da idade da aposentadoria impopular de Macron, bem como imigração e incerteza econômica.

No entanto, diante do risco 👄 de nacionalistas populistas de direita dura tomarem o poder com uma agenda de discriminação contra imigrantes e binationais, o eleitorado 👄 se mobilizou para votar sportingbet bingo qualquer alternativa aos candidatos do RN, resultando sportingbet bingo uma reviravolta espetacular nos momentos finais. Rejeitando 👄 a tentação de se abster, comunistas votaram sportingbet bingo centristas ou gaullistas conservadores de Macron. Centristas votaram sportingbet bingo trotskistas. Anticapitalistas votaram 👄 sportingbet bingo economistas liberais, e vice-versa. Tudo para impedir que o RN vencesse.

Não se trata tanto de que a Frente Popular 👄 de Esquerda Nova (NPF), uma aliança apressadamente montada de opostos que concorreu com uma plataforma eleitoral de Papai Noel, tenha 👄 vencido a eleição, mesmo que tenha surgido como o maior grupo na Assembleia Nacional com pelo menos 182 dos 577 👄 assentos.

Os centristas de Macron venceram 168, contra 246 na câmara de saída, o RN e seus aliados venceram 143 e 👄 os Republicanos do centro-direita venceram 60.

As sondagens de opinião até o último sexta-feira colocavam o RN na frente, portanto, o 👄 resultado foi um segundo choque após a liderança inicial da extrema-direita nas eleições legislativas de 30 de junho.

As pessoas votaram 👄 contra Macron e Le Pen, sportingbet bingo vez de votar sportingbet bingo Jean-Luc Mélenchon, o líder da France Insoumise (LFI) de esquerda 👄 dura, cuja retórica belicosa e supostamente antissemita fronteiriça foram vistas por muitos de esquerda como um lastro parasportingbet bingocausa.

O 👄 resultado inconclusivo, com nenhum bloco forte o suficiente para governar sem fazer compromissos improváveis, é um alívio sportingbet bingo Bruxelas, onde 👄 a perspectiva de que a França, membro fundador, se junte a um crescente grupo de governos eurocéticos opostos a maior 👄 integração e simpáticos à Rússia foi vista com alarme disfarçado.

Um Macron ferido pode não estar mais sportingbet bingo posição de oferecer 👄 liderança pró-europeia ousada, mas pelo menos Paris não se alinhará com o primeiro-ministro da Hungria, Viktor Orbán, a primeira-ministra da 👄 Itália, Giorgia Meloni, e o novo governo holandês dominado pelo Partido da Liberdade de extrema-direita de Geert Wilders para bloquear 👄 políticas de energia verde da UE ou expansão para leste da união, ou exigir um desconto no seu pagamento de 👄 contribuição orçamentária da UE.

Os guardiões da ortodoxia fiscal podem estar desapontados se o próximo governo francês, uma vez que um 👄 seja formado, não conseguir conter o déficit orçamentário crescente da França ou reduzirsportingbet bingomontanha de dívida. Tanto a esquerda 👄 quanto a extrema-direita fizeram promessas que farão buracos ainda maiores nas finanças públicas da França, enquanto os centristas de Macron 👄 se mantiveram na promessa de não aumentar os impostos sem dizer como prometeram a redução do déficit orçamentário prometida a 👄 Bruxelas.

Se isso fosse a Alemanha, os Países Baixos, a Bélgica ou a Suécia, os partidos no parlamento gastariam semanas ou 👄 meses sportingbet bingo negociações detalhadas lideradas pelo maior grupo no parlamento, produzindo um acordo financiado e fundamentado como base para uma 👄 coligação sportingbet bingo que nenhum partido atinge todas as suas demandas. No entanto, a França, assim como o Reino Unido, não 👄 tem tradição de compromisso político.

Muitos olhos já estão no grande prêmio da eleição presidencial de 2027, quando Macron não poderá 👄 mais concorrer após servir os dois mandatos máximos de cinco anos. Como resultado, ninguém tem um interesse político sportingbet bingo cortar 👄 acordos com o presidente coxo ou com potenciais rivais parasportingbet bingocoroa.

Nesse sentido, Le Pen pode bem achar que essa 👄 foi uma boa eleição para perder. Ela pode se concentrar sportingbet bingo prepararsportingbet bingocampanha para o cargo mais alto sportingbet bingo 👄 2027 sem ter que se envolver sportingbet bingo política suja no governo agora. Além disso, seu número dois matinê-idol de 28 👄 anos, Jordan Bardella, que ameaçou eclipsá-la após liderar o RN ao primeiro lugar nas eleições europeias e consolidar esse avanço 👄 na primeira rodada das eleições legislativas sportingbet bingo 30 de junho, irá para Bruxelas sentar-se nos bancos traseiros do Parlamento Europeu 👄 sportingbet bingo vez de entrar no Hôtel de Matignon como primeiro-ministro e um possível rival para ela.

Não é uma surpresa que 👄 ela tenha minimizado a derrota de domingo como apenas outra etapa na marcha inexorável do RN ao poder. "A maré 👄 ainda está subindo", ela disse. "Nossa vitória apenas foi adiada."

O caleidoscópio da política francesa ainda não parou de girar. Os 👄 líderes da NPF exigem que Macron nomeie imediatamente um de seus membros como primeiro-ministro. Ele provavelmente não cumprirá.

O primeiro-ministro centrista 👄 de saída, Gabriel Attal, pode tentar primeiro montar uma coligação ou alianças ad hoc por questão por questão com os 👄 socialistas, verdes, comunistas e republicanos do centro-direita. No entanto, ele enfrentará dificuldades sportingbet bingo separar os moderados da esquerda de Mélenchon 👄 LFI, que detém as chaves para seu controle de prefeituras sportingbet bingo eleições municipais previstas para 2026.

A única luz no caos 👄 político é que, diante da escolha entre a direita radical e a esquerda radical, os eleitores franceses podem ter redescoberto 👄 o gosto pela social-democracia moderada, a mesma marca que acabou de vencer uma vitória esmagadora no Reino Unido.

Ainda é cedo 👄 para dizer se os franceses estão prestes a descobrir finalmente os méritos do parlamentarismo. Não está na DNA da Quinta 👄 República modelada pelo general Charles de Gaulle.

Quando Macron não conseguiu obter uma maioria parlamentar após ser reeleito como presidente sportingbet bingo 👄 2024, recusou-se a procurar uma coligação com outras forças políticas e escolheu sportingbet bingo vez disso empurrar a legislação principalmente por 👄 decreto ou desafiar a oposição dividida para derrubar seu governo.

Agora ele não está mais sozinho no comando. Attal e a 👄 próxima geração de políticos centristas, como o ex-primeiro-ministro Édouard Philippe, podem ver seu próprio interesse sportingbet bingo buscar uma coligação alemã-estilo.

Ao 👄 menos eles têm um interesse forte sportingbet bingo tentar forjar compromissos, se apenas culparem seus oponentes (e talvez Macron) se esse 👄 esforço falhar.

sportingbet bingo : Retirar minha aposta XL?

Poker television programs had been extremely popular, especially in North America and Europe, following the poker boom. This has especially 🧬 become the case since the invention of the "pocket cam" in 1997 (and its first use in the United States 🧬 in 2002), which allows viewers at home to see each player's hole cards. However, viewership has been declining dramatically in 🧬 recent years, due to laws that restricted online play in the United States.

History [ edit ]

Poker has been appearing on 🧬 television somewhat regularly since the late-1970s. In the United States, CBS started airing the final table of the World Series 🧬 of Poker (WSOP) Main Event as an annual one-hour show around this time and later by ESPN, which were casino-produced 🧬 shows produced under a time-buy arrangement for sports omnibus programming such as the CBS Sports Spectacular. For many years, the 🧬 coverage was less than robust because viewers at home could not see what cards the players had or follow their 🧬 progress visually through graphics. Instead, the coverage essentially involved the commentators guessing what cards the players had in a documentary 🧬 style production.

In 1997, the hole cam, which allows audiences to see the hidden cards that players held in their hands, 🧬 was introduced in Europe. The hole cam was patented by WSOP bracelet winner Henry Orenstein and first used in the 🧬 Late Night Poker television series. It was used again in the inaugural Poker Million tournament in 2000 which boasted the 🧬 attraction of the first £1,000,000 poker game on live television. By 1996, however, the ESPN one-hour highlight show only included 🧬 hands that were shown down, so that the commentators, including Gabe Kaplan, could comment, in post-production, on the hands while 🧬 they were being played out. The commentators referred to this as "taking a peek at the cards", and provided the 🧬 first contemporary announcing on hands during the play in poker history. By 2001, however, Late Night Poker had been cancelled 🧬 in the UK and televised poker could no longer be found in Europe. In the US, the 1999, 2000, and 🧬 2001 World Series of Poker events were only broadcast in one-hour documentaries on the Discovery Networks.

In 1999, documentary filmmaker Steven 🧬 Lipscomb produced and directed a documentary on the WSOP for the Discovery Channel. It was the first U.S. poker production 🧬 funded entirely by a television network rather than the casino. When the 1999 WSOP aired, it doubled its audience over 🧬 the hour time slot. Seeing the audience reaction, Lipscomb believed there was an untapped market and began pitching poker series 🧬 ideas to cable and network television. Because poker had been on the air for over twenty years, with little viewer 🧬 interest, broadcasters were unwilling to commit resources to put a series on the air.

In October 2001, Lipscomb wrote a business 🧬 plan. Along with poker player Mike Sexton and poker business woman Linda Johnson, Lipscomb approached casino mogul and avid poker 🧬 player, Lyle Berman, whose company Lakes Entertainment agreed to fund the World Poker Tour (WPT)—the first organized and televised tour 🧬 of poker tournaments in the world.

In June 2002, WPT filmed its first episode at Bellagio in Las Vegas. Wanting to 🧬 create a compelling, action-packed show, WPT took eight months to edit the first WPT episode. ESPN, who resumed their coverage 🧬 of the World Series of Poker in 2002, featured pocket cam technology in their return broadcast—albeit, in a very limited 🧬 capacity—prior to the WPT's first show.

During this time, the “WPT Format” was created featuring the WPT hole cam, interactive graphics 🧬 and “live sports feel”. These new features put viewers into the minds and at the heart of the action. The 🧬 first WPT episode aired on March 30, 2003, on the Travel Channel and became an instant success (the highest rated 🧬 show in network history).

A few months later, ESPN's broadcast of the 2003 World Series of Poker adopted many features characteristic 🧬 of the emerging WPT series, with an improved graphic display detailing the exciting action of the Main Event's final table. 🧬 This coupled with the unlikely outcome in the 2003 WSOP Main Event—where Tennessee accountant Chris Moneymaker wonR$2.5 million after winning 🧬 his seat through aR$39 PokerStars satellite tournament—and the ensuing publicity only further sparked the already accelerated interest in the game 🧬 initiated by the WPT.

These events are considered the main contributor to poker's booming popularity—increasing the number of entrants into live 🧬 poker tournaments (at all levels), the growth of online poker and the overall greater interest in the game—but above all 🧬 others, the 2003 World Series of Poker Main Event (and subsequent broadcast on ESPN) is most cited as poker's Tipping 🧬 Point; commonly referred to as the "Moneymaker Effect".

Poker gained further exposure in Canada and much of the United States as 🧬 a result of the 2004-05 NHL lockout, which caused sports networks in both countries to air poker as replacement programming 🧬 for their NHL coverage.[citation needed]

The much improved ratings of poker television programs from this point on lead to ESPN covering 🧬 many more events of the World Series of Poker (in addition to the Main Event as in the past) since 🧬 2003, as well as covering some other tournaments outside of the World Series, such as the United States Poker Championship. 🧬 Since its first broadcast, WPT has also expanded its tour stops from 12 events at seven casino partner locations to 🧬 23 domestic and international tournaments and 14 casino partners in Season VI.

Since the introduction of the hole cam and WPT 🧬 television format, poker has become almost ubiquitous in the US and Europe. While poker originally aired on sports channels such 🧬 as ESPN and Sky Sports has expanded to such "non traditional" networks as Bravo and GSN. All poker television programs 🧬 make heavy use of the aforementioned pocket cam and television format, plus generally feature a "straightman" and a "comedian" type 🧬 of commentators, with one often being a professional poker player.

With the ability to edit a tournament that lasts days into 🧬 just a few hours, ESPN's World Series of Poker broadcasts generally focus on showing how various star players fared in 🧬 each event. Key hands from throughout the many days of each year's WSOP Main Event are shown, and similar highly 🧬 edited coverage of final tables is also provided. For the events in the WSOP before the Main Event, only the 🧬 final table is covered in television coverage, similar to how the Main Event was televised before ESPN's airing of the 🧬 2003 World Series Main Event.

The World Poker Tour does not offer general coverage of the multi-day poker tournaments. Instead, the 🧬 WPT covers only the action at the final table of each event. With aggressive play and increasing blinds and antes, 🧬 the important action from a single table can easily be edited into a two-hour episode. Although the tournament fate of 🧬 fewer stars are chronicled this way, it allows the drama to build more naturally toward the final heads up showdown.

Although 🧬 most poker shows on television focus on tournaments, High Stakes Poker shows a high-stakes cash game. In this game professional 🧬 and amateur players play no limit Texas Hold 'em with their own money (the minimum to enter the game isR$100,000). 🧬 This game has allowed spectators to observe differences between cash games and tournaments, and to see how players adjust their 🧬 play to the different format.[1]

Poker's growth in Europe led to the creation of two FTA channels: The Poker Channel and 🧬 Pokerzone. Both began broadcasting during 2005.

Televised poker experienced a sudden disruption in 2011 after the lawsuit United States v. Scheinberg 🧬 et al. was filed. Two of the defendants in that case, PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker, were the primary sponsors 🧬 of most of the shows that were airing on American television at the time.[2] Since it was discovered that online 🧬 gambling (other than sports betting) was not illegal and the state law used to file the lawsuit was not applicable 🧬 to foreign companies, the lawsuit was resolved in 2012, with the two companies merging and without any admission of guilt.

Although 🧬 once popular, poker television programs have steadily been losing their audience and never fully recovered from the disruption caused by 🧬 the Scheinberg lawsuit. ESPN is on contract to show World Series of Poker programming through 2024, though viewership has dropped 🧬 dramatically since the early boom.

The over-the-top content platform PokerGO was launched in 2024 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.[3] 🧬 It is a subscription-based streaming service specializing in poker content including cash games, tournaments, and documentaries.[4] PokerGO streamed the World 🧬 Series of Poker from 2024 to 2024 in partnership with ESPN, before CBS Sports became the new domestic television partner 🧬 in 2024.[5]

In December 2024 on YouTube-based Hustler Casino Live, the biggest pot in televised U.S. poker broadcast history was set. 🧬 The No-Limit Hold'em cash game had stakes ofR$200/$400/$800/$1,600 and Alan Keating would win theR$1,158,000 pot with a flush against "Handz".[6]

In 🧬 February 2024 on PokerGO's No Gamble, No Future Cash of the Titans, Patrik Antonius would win aR$1,978,000 pot with two 🧬 pair against Eric Persson to break the record set on Hustler Casino Live.[7] Following that record-breaking pot, there were three 🧬 pots that also amounted to larger than the previous record pot that was set on Hustler Casino Live.[8][9]

Poker television programs 🧬 [ edit ]

Here is a list of poker television programs that have aired on television in either North America or 🧬 Europe.

North America [ edit ]

1 ESPN did not air the WSOP in 1996 or 1999–2001; The Discovery Channel did air 🧬 one-hour specials of the 2000 & 2001 Main Events

2 World Series of Poker bracelets events and select coverage of the 🧬 Main Event have streamed on exclusively on PokerGO from 2024 onwards.

3 In 2024, CBS Sports became the new domestic television 🧬 partner for the WSOP alongside PokerGO.

Europe [ edit ]

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